
Winning the “Quality and Excellence Award” 2023

KOREN Visual Solutions won the Yitzhak Rabin “Quality and Excellence Award” for 2023, in the category of small organizations. On May 17, as part of the 100th anniversary celebrations of the Standards Institute, a certificate awarding event was held in which Lior Koren received the award on behalf of the company.

  • The "Quality Award" website
  • May 2023
  • Editorial Article
The 2023 Quality and Excellence Award ceremony, Lior Koren receives the winning certificates in the name of KOREN.Photo: Shai Shviro

The competition for the National Award for Quality and Excellence for 2023 ended at a prestigious event held at the National Theater “Habima” in May 2023.

The winning companies who excitedly came up on stage to receive the award, completed an exciting chapter of preparations and tests that led to winning the most prestigious competition in Israel in the field of quality and excellence, and receiving a certificate personally signed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The certificates were given in the presence of the Minister of Economy, Nir Bareket, Chairman of the Standards Institute Amir Shani, CEO of the Standards Institute Dr. Gilad Golov, co-director of the award and chairman of the Israel Quality Association Sharon Anker, co-director of the award and VP of Institute Quality Standards Avital Weinberg, Jo Cops, President of the International Organization for Standardization – IEC, Philip Metzger, CEO of IEC, Sergio Mujica, CEO of the International Organization for Standardization – ISO, and Stefano Calzolari, President of the European Organization for Standardization – CEN.

The award was preceded by a judging process that included the best experts in the field of quality in Israel, members of the Israel Quality Association, who worked day and night to learn about the quality and excellence processes of the organizations and ultimately decide and determine who will be the winners of the competition.

Congratulations to the winners of the prize competition for 2023!!!
Winner of the National Award for Quality and Excellence for 2023 in the category of large organizations: Palmahim Base Maintenance System (IDF)
Winner of the 2023 National Award for Quality and Excellence in the category of small organizations: KOREN Visual Solutions
Winner of a commendation in the category of large organizations for 2023: New-Pharm Group
Winner of a commendation in the large organizations category for 2023: Clalbit Systems

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